Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Auditor Conversion Course OHSAS 18001:2007 [IRCA Certified]- A17654

This course is designed to enable participants to gain a practical knowledge of the OHSAS 18001 standard and health & safety system certification audits as per ISO 19011 and also to effectively participate in the implementation of requirements.​

Course Content

The course contains comprehensive coverage of OHSAS 18001, its implementation and auditing.  Key themes are:
  • Risk management System approach
  • A detailed review of OHSAS 18001 using an interactive workshop approach
  • A Risk Based approach to environmental management, including the identification of impacts and their significance
  • National OH&S legislation
  • The roles and responsibilities of auditors and lead auditors
  • Planning and conducting an OH&S audit
  • Reporting with impact to management
The course is supported by a wide range of practical exercises and examples.  It can also be tailored to individual companies and run in-house.

Prior Knowledge and intake requirements

We strongly recommend that prospective students have knowledge of OHSAS 18001 and some understanding of OH&S management issues prior to undertaking this training course. or Participants who hold a valid Lead Auditor Certificate for a full five day course, in Quality, EMS or equivalent. Such a certificate will not be older than 10 years. Further an audit log will be required for a period covering the last three years.

IRCA Auditor certification 

Students who have previously successfully completed a 5-Day Lead auditor training course of other management systems and who successfully complete this OHSAS Lead Auditor course certified by IRCA will satisfy the training requirements for initial certification as an IRCA Auditor on condition that they have completed the pre-requisite prior training. 

Target Group

This course is aimed at delegates wishing to gain a detailed understanding of OHSAS 18001 as an auditor.  It will be of interest to those involved with designing and implementing an OH&S Management System as well as those wishing to become internal or external OH&S Management System auditors.  Duration – 3 days Price: USD 1226 / AED 4500 / AZN 964 Language: English

Book course:

For a downloadable copy of the registration form, please click on the link below for Training booking Form.  The completed form can then be sent to us by fax (+971 4 3559433) / email (BusinessAssurance.ME@dnv.com). For a downloadable copy of the training calendar, click on link Training Calendar below.

Terms and Conditions

  • Upon receiving a completed booking form by fax/email, a place is reserved for the delegate/s on a first come first serve basis and course confirmations will be sent closer to the date of the course or when a course is confirmed.
  • A course is confirmed only when we have received sufficient enrollments to conduct a viable course to ensure active participation from students.
  • If you have not received joining instructions at least 5 days prior to the course, please contact us by email or phone.
  • Cancellations must be given in writing. In the event that cancellation is received 2 weeks or less prior to the course, 50% of the course fee will be levied. For ‘No-shows’ on the course, the full course fee will be levied.
  • For delegates requiring accommodation, DNV has corporate rates. Bookings should be made directly with the hotel, quoting the DNV course reference. Delegates must settle hotel accounts themselves.
  • Delegates cannot bring any claim or legal action against DNV relating to participation in the course or from knowledge obtained during the course. The use of the information or documentation obtained during the course shall be at the user’s sole risk.

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