Energy transition

The energy transition is a source of great risk and great opportunity. Here is a selection of our research-backed insights on key developments.

Insights: Energy transition

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London, 11 September 2019 – A technology-driven energy transition of staggering scale and speed will lead to a rapid decarbonization of the energy mix, with almost half our energy needs met by renewables by 2050. Plunging technology costs and market forces are driving the transition, but without bold policy intervention we will fall well short of the Paris climate goals. These are some of the findings of the third edition of the Energy Transition Outlook (ETO), which, owing to DNV GL’s independence and technical expertise, has become a respected voice in forecasting our energy future.

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Høvik, Norway: According to a new Global Opportunity Report from DNV GL, Sustainia and the United Nations Global Compact, renewed efforts are required to ensure four of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals do not miss their 2030 targets. The Global Goals addressed in the report are Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13: Climate Action and Goal 14: Life Below Water.

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The maritime and energy industries are looking to boost their profitability and explore new business models through digitalization. However, companies are increasingly recognizing the need to overcome data quality issues and manage the ownership, control, sharing and use of data. To facilitate frictionless connections between different industry players, domain experts and data scientists, DNV GL is launching an industry data platform.